Friday, April 2, 2010

Where to leave suitcases when trekking?

Any suggestions as to where to leave our suitcases if we go on an overnight trek? Thanks!

Where to leave suitcases when trekking?

You will be able to either leave it at the office of the trekking company or alternatively at the hotel you would be staying at (if checking out most have storage facilities where you can store for 24 hours etc)

Where to leave suitcases when trekking?

Thank you. I am getting a little concerned about petty theft due to the number of postings about missing cameras, money, etc. We are bringing a small laptop with us and I wonder what would be the best way to make sure it is secure when we are away while not offending our Thai hosts. What has your experience been? Thank you.

I didnt take a laptop with me... didnt need the stress... is there a specific reason why you are taking it? There are plenty of internet places around Thailand (I mean EVERYWHERE) including all the hotels/guesthouses. Internet is as cheap as 20 baht an hour... all computers are fast and if you take a USB stick you can download all your photos through an internet cafe computer direct to that.

Otherwise make sure you dont have anything precious on it and insure it. I heard lots of horror stories before leaving about guarding your valuables. I never took any more caution than what I would at home and I never once felt unsafe.

Its up to you if you think that it is really necessary to take a laptop on your holiday but I am sure if you do, it will be fine... I would be more concerned about your bags being %26#39;thrown in a room%26#39; thus damaging a laptop more so than theft.

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