Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Atlantic bar

hi i went to pattaya in june of this year and was seeing a service girl from the atlantic bar close to soi 2.can anyone tell me why so many girls in this small bar are not available to take out and are only service?i think i was quite lucky to get one of these ladies.

Atlantic bar


no Danny you were only lucky if you came back home with no STD%26#39;s and still had money in your pocket

If you are writeing and sending money to this girl your luck just ran out..

Atlantic bar

no not sending money or writing lol

no not sending money or writing lol


ahh then you are just bragging LOL

I am glad you had a good time

The guy who owns the bar is an expat and is very good at picking good looking women to work in his bar, many of the girls have been snapped up by his friends who send the girls money, he let%26#39;s them stay working but they have the name badges with service written on them and don%26#39;t go with punters, yes you were lucky!

Thanks Thai expat.I knew someone would know.You havent been to the bar recently?Is the owner patrick?If so i met him earlier in the year and he seems like a great guy.shame all his friends snap up the pretty girls.Maybe this lady i was taking out is already snapped up in a fashion.Oh well it was good at the time.Goin back to pattaya at xmas and counting the days!

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