Tuesday, March 23, 2010

im confused

im going to thailand in 19th and staying till 30.three days in pattaya, 4 days in phuket and 4 days in bangkok.is it fair? or should i have to stay more in phuket? pls advice.thnks

im confused

If I were You

when u arrive spend 3 days in Bangkok

And the remainder 8 days in one.

This way you will save both the time and money in travelling.

Timewise Pattaya is much closer to Bangkok and you don%26#39;t have to fly there - around 2hrs by road.

Yes Phucket is more beautiful but in Pattaya there is more to do.


im confused

Totally agree, I had planned to go to Pattaya, but changed my mind and I%26#39;m having a ball here in Phuket!

Four days is not enough in Phuket, just my opinion..



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