Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where can I buy giant binoculars in BKK ?

I%26#39;ll be in Bangkok soon, and think that I may be able to get

a set of giant binoculars there.

I%26#39;m after a set of 25x100 FB similar to these:


They%26#39;re about AUD$450 here in Australia.

Has anyone come across these in their shopping expeditions in Bangkok ?


Where can I buy giant binoculars in BKK ?

Giant binoculars are for astronomical viewing.

They are much larger than normal binoculars and need a tripod,

and most camera stores do not stock giants.

Shops that sell telescopes and astronomy gear may have them.

Where%26#39;s the best place for such things in Bangkok ?

Thanks, Rob

Where can I buy giant binoculars in BKK ?

I seem to remember that there are one or two stalls along Sukhumvit that sell bins and scopes tho if big enough for u I don%26#39;t know . One is close to Soi 4 another is somewhere around Soi 13 - 21 area.

I have also seem them in Central Chit lom and MBK but cannot remember the floors.

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